Dux Rei Nummariae (Budget Navigator)

Surveying Your Financial Future


DRN (Budget Navigator), Dux Rei Nummariae, gives a simple and easy way to manage your personal finances. It works by tracking only the things that matter to you and not tracking every single transaction. Allowing you to focus on what is important, building the financial future you want.

Stable Beta Version 0.8.0

There are packages of the current stable version below, or checkout the stable release branch using Mercurial .


How To Start

Starting the application is just a series of simple steps to follow. Use the following below as a guide in establishing your first budget.

  1. Click on Settings → Configure → Currencies.
  2. Select the preferred currency from the drop-down.
    This currency is used when showing monthly totals and the default to select.
  3. Select all usable currencies from the list of all supported currencies by clicking on each of the currencies desired.
    These are the possible currencies that any budget item is issued in.
  4. Click on Settings → Configure Exchange Rates → Fetch
    This action fetches the latest exchange rates from Open Exchange Rates.
  5. Click on Account → Banks.
  6. Add a bank and an associated account with its current balance.
  7. Add all the budget items for your budget.

Budget Items

In this application, everything that goes through an account is associated with a budget item. However, it is not obsessed with tracking every cent. Instead, it takes an holistic approach. This is to say, some items are tracked as a collective amount, e.g. groceries, car fuel, snacks, etc., and other items are tracked at an individual level, e.g. electricity payment, student loan payment, pay cheque, etc. Overall resulting in an eventual balance that roughly matches both the actual and expected balances

Item Types

The following are the types of budget items supported for everything going through an account.

Known Issues

  1. The transaction interface only supports adding, editing, removing transactions from one account at a time.
  2. The transaction interface only supports adding a single transaction at a time.

Additional issues may be found in the issue tracker .

Report Issues

If you have an issue, enhancement, or wish that you would like to let us know. Please submit your report and I'll address it.

Downloads & Packages

Operating system specific packages and installers are available below. Select the download which most matches your computer and desired install wishes.


Select a download below to have a runnable version installed onto your computer. All binary packages are signed using this FSF key .
The signatures can be verified using GNU Privacy Guard .

N.B. For GNU/Linux, Pecunia is a required dependency version 0.8.1 . For Windows, MS VS C++ Redist 2022 is required.

Type Debian Fedora macOS Mageia Windows
Executable AMD 64 Hash Verification Verification Signature AMD 64 Hash Verification Verification Signature Not Available AMD 64 Hash Verification Verification Signature Win 64 Installer Hash Verification Verification Signature
Debug AMD 64 Hash Verification Verification Signature Not Available Not Available Not Available Available within the installer.
Development AMD 64 Hash Verification Verification Signature AMD 64 Hash Verification Verification Signature Not Available AMD 64 Hash Verification Verification Signature Available within the installer.


Select the download below to have the source code extracted onto your computer.


You can track the development version by using Mercurial on the default branch .

Repository hosting is generously provided by Octobus and Clever cloud .